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Yellow River Basin Management under Pressure: Present State, Restoration and Protection

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Gini coefficient; fairness principle; double-level; water-saving potential; Weihe River basin; Budyko framework; runoff changes; climate change; underlying surface parameters; human activities; Yellow River; cultivated land; Object-Oriented Feature Extraction; wheat; corn; water use level; SBM-DEA model; window-DEA model; economic and social development; matching degree; yellow river basin; water–energy–food; harmony equilibrium; harmonious regulation; the Yellow River; bank collapse; sediment transportation; numerical simulation; curved channel; cohesive; cross-sectional shape; asymmetry; water and sediment factor; transverse distribution; wandering river channel; Wuliangsuhai Lake; ecological water demand; ecological water supplement; ecological function; heavy metals; sediment interstitial water; sediment; chemical fraction; ecological risk; water quality characteristics; cause; groundwater; middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River; water rights allocation; coordinated development; water–ecology–energy–food; emergy method; Yinchuan city; return period; Pearson-III distribution; “7.20” rainstorm; Yiluo River basin; Xiaohua section; soil erosion; influencing factors; RUSLE; the optimal parameters-based geographical detector; scale effects; the Yellow River Basin; Sanhe region; early sites; spatial and temporal distribution; human-territorial relationship; GIS; high-quality development; environmental regulation; local government competition; panel threshold regression model; Yellow River basin; the ancient Yellow River distributary; early settlements; aggregation characteristics; Zhengzhou; n/a

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