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Paul Lorenzen: Mathematician and Logician

Parte de: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science

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Lorenzen on Constructive Mathematics; Application to Constructive Measure Theory; Lorenzeṇ’s Work on Lattice-groups and Divisibility Theory; Krull’s Fundamentalsatz for Integral Domains; Modern Set Theory and Lorenzen’s Critique of Actual Infinity; Grundlagenforschung; Lorenzen’s Consistency Proof and Hilbert’s Larger Programme; Lorenzen's Dialogue Game; Game Semantics for Substructural Logics; Constructive Examination of a Russell-style Ramified Type Theory; Operative Justification of Logic and Mathematics; Lorenzen on Proof-theoretic Semantics; Lorenzen on Databank Management; Lorenzen on Stochastics; Russell-style Ramified Type Theory; Lorenzen and Erlangen School of Methodical Constructivism

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