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Integrated Surface Water and Groundwater Analysis

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

groundwater-surface water interaction; analytical; numerical; FEMME; STRIVE; MODFLOW; Long Short-Term Memory; groundwater level prediction; groundwater withdrawal impact; groundwater level variation; machine learning; integrated surface water and groundwater analysis; climate change; hydraulic fracturing; construction of well pads; MIKE-SHE; MIKE-11; northwestern Alberta; SWAT+; groundwater; modeling; groundwater2013surface water interactions; rainwater harvesting; climate variability; small island developing states; improved water governance; national sustainable development plans; SDG6; community participation; drinking water supply; water supply scheme; surface water/groundwater interactions; managed aquifer recharge; induced riverbank filtration; groundwater resource management; water curtain cultivation; surface2013groundwater interaction; water budget analysis; Nera River; carbonate aquifer; recession curves; seismic sequence; permafrost hydrology; Russian Arctic; water tracks; hydrological connectivity; stable water isotopes; dissolved organic carbon; electrical resistivity tomography; taliks; flood; surface and groundwater interactions; HEIFLOW; Managed Aquifer Recharge; groundwater tracer; heat transport; surface2013ground-water interactions; infiltration basin; groundwater hydrology; young water fraction; global meteoric water line; northern Italian Apennines; stakeholder participation; surface water-groundwater interaction; scenario modelling; integrated water management; agent-based modelling; SimCopiapo; water balance; water table fluctuation method; irrigated pastures; deep percolation; aquifer recharge; clay soils; flood irrigation; water management; surface water; n/a

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