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Design and Application of Additive Manufacturing

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

4D printing; material extrusion; shape changing behavior; shape memory polymers; print pattern; infill density; polylactic acid; SLM; defocusing; IN 625; melt pool; tensile testing; density; selective laser melting; powder spreading defect; machine vision; classifier; finite element thermal analysis; model calibration; thermographic image; bead on plate test; Bayesian optimization; nickel-based superalloy; tissue engineering; scaffold; material extrusion additive manufacturing; 3D geometry modelling; finite element analysis; mechanical properties; additive manufacturing; closed impeller; MPFL pumps; balancing; non-destructive testing; triply periodic minimal surface; 316 L stainless steel; energy absorption; deformation mechanism; flexible pressure sensor; microstructure; 3D printing; composite film; stress shielding; total hip replacement; femoral component; lattice; 3d printing; aseptic loosening; bone remodelling; internal structures; biomimicry; 15-5 PH stainless steel; in-situ neutron diffraction; low-cycle fatigue; martensite transformation; structural joints; aging; ABS; PETG; PLA; aluminum; polymer rheology; thermal joining; topological optimization; hybrid technology; investment casting; n/a

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