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Renewable Energy and Energy Saving: Renewable Energy and Energy Saving
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
BIPV window; WWR; overall energy; tilt angle; visual comfort; energy saving; semi-arid; wind power generation; artificial neural networks; chargeability factor; reactive power capacity; wind speed and demand curves; energy management systems; multi-objective function; optimal set-points; stochastic optimization; wind farm operation; expert survey; renewable energy; biogas; biomethane; biogas plant; business model; political support system; building performance; value co-creation; value add; maintenance management; hospital buildings; optimal power flow; power flow; optimization algorithms; DC networks; electrical energy; optimization; willingness to pay; minigrids; rural electrification; Ghana; hospital building maintenance; critical success factor; value-based practices; importance-performance matrix analysis; renewable energy sources; non-conventional renewable energy sources; RES; NCRES; electric power system; information environment; n/a
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