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Cybersecurity and the Digital Health: An Investigation on the State of the Art and the Position of the Actors

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

n/a; personal health record; emergency access; access control; blockchain; hyperledger fabric; hyperledger composer; auditability; privacy & security; healthcare; review; electronic medical record; cloud; internet of things; technology convergence; eHealth; medical devices; digital health; mHealth; cyber-risk; pacemaker; artificial pancreas; app; regulation; wearable device; digital identity; decentralized identity; identity management; smart contract; Ethereum; sexism; social networks; adolescence; digital gender gap; emotional well-being; healthcare service; body area network; privacy; authentication; security protocol; cybersecurity culture; COVID-19; security assessment; phishing; health domain; cybersecurity; fuzzy cognitive maps; telehealth; scenario analysis; planning; contact tracing; pandemic; fall detection; fall prediction; fall prevention; fall risk factors; gait assessment; 5G networks; key performance indicators; wireless communication; awareness; healthcare domain

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