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Advances in Sustainable Concrete System

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

high-strength concrete; energy evolution; elastic strain energy; brittleness evaluation index; concrete; humidity; moisture absorption; moisture desorption; numerical simulation; acoustic emission; AE rate process theory; corrosion rate; damage evolution; axial load; precast concrete structure; lattice girder semi-precast slabs; bending resistance; FE modelling; concrete damage; GSP; high strength; hydration; strength; penetrability; rice husk ash; sustainable concrete; artificial neural networks; multiple linear regression; eco-friendly concrete; green concrete; sustainable development; artificial intelligence; data science; machine learning; bagasse ash; mechanical properties; natural coarse aggregate; recycled coarse aggregate; two-stage concrete; materials design; recycled concrete; crumb rubber concrete; crumb rubber; NaOH treatment; lime treatment; water treatment; detergent treatment; compressive strength; materials; adhesively-bonded joint; temperature aging; residual strength; mechanical behavior; failure criterion; steel slag powder; compound activator; mortar strength; orthogonal experiment; GM (0, N) model; ultrafine metakaolin; silica fume; durability; fiber-reinforced concrete; damage mechanism; uniaxial tension; cracked concrete; crack width; crack depth; tortuosity; sustainability; concrete composites; sulfate and acid attacks; WPFT fibers; coal gangue; gradation; cement content; unconfined compressive strength; freeze–thaw cycle; minimum energy dissipation principle; three-shear energy yield criterion; damage variable; constitutive model; phosphorus slag; limestone; sulphate-corrosion resistance; volume deformation; blast furnace ferronickel slag; alkali-activated material; dosage of activator; reactive powder concrete; beam-column joint; FE modeling; crack; cementitious gravel; fly ash; age; optimal dosage; bamboo; sawdust; pretreatment; bio-based material; mechanical property; self-compacting concrete; supplementary cementitious materials; hydration mechanisms; microstructure; fresh properties; synthetic polymer; high temperature; bentonite-free drilling fluid; rheology; filtration; FRP reinforced concrete slab; punching shear strength; SHAP; n/a

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