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Remote Sensing of Regional Soil Moisture

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

instrument development; hyperspectral; spectroradiometry; LiDAR; soil; regional soil moisture; in situ network; AMSR2; FY3B; evaluation; EVI; SST; disaggregation; soil moisture; DISPATCH; Intermediate spatial resolution; SMAP; geostationary; validation; SEVIRI; thermal infrared; land surface temperature; downscaling; advanced scatterometer (ASCAT); soil moisture active passive (SMAP); random forest; low-cost sensor; AMSR-E; the microwave polarization difference index; surface soil moisture; regional scale; vegetation traits; multi-sensor approach; wetland; environmental monitoring; remote sensing; geostatistics; gap-filling; mesonet; ESA CCI SM; ASTER imagery; soil moisture content; thermal inertia model; serial dual-source model; surface component temperature; shadow impact; multi-model coupling; optimal solution method; ESA CCI; residual soil moisture; evapotranspiration; trend; rainfall variability; CHIRPS; theta probe; Sentinel-1A; NDVI; modified Dubois model; Sentinel-1/2; Landsat-8; GF-1; vegetation water content; Oh; Dubois; IEM; WCM; SSRT; SAR; LAI; wheat; Sentinel-1; support vector machine; ordinary least square regression; time series; Mongolia; MODIS; relative soil moisture; Chinese Loess Plateau; ATI; TVDI

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