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Appetite and Satiety Control-Gut Mechanisms

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

lixisenatide; intragastric meal retention; energy intake; type 2 diabetes; obesity; amino acid; isoleucine; chronic supplementation; energy expenditure; oral glucose tolerance test; glycaemic control; gastric emptying breath test; endocannabinoid; cannabinoid CB1 receptor; gut–brain; intestine; western diet; preference; whey protein; gastric emptying; appetite; lifecourse; gut hormones; hunger; protein; TAS2R5; TAS2R39; TAS2R14; agonist; food intake; GLP1; CCK; PYY; miniature pig; pig model; functional brain imaging; molecular imaging; vagal afferents; single fiber recording; insulin resistance; GLP-1r; gastric barostat; scintigraphy; meal ingestion; postprandial responses; hedonic sensations; homeostatic sensations; abdominal wall activity; abdominal distension; taste; fat; carbohydrate; bariatric surgery; GLP-1; ghrelin; Roux-en-Y gastric bypass; gastric band; sleeve gastrectomy; circadian; gastrointestinal tract; enteroendocrine cells; chemosensory; GIP; nutrients; hormones; food ingestion; digestion; satiety; digestive well-being; functional gastrointestinal disorders; postprandial symptoms; brainstem; vagus; feeding; gastrointestinal; cue reactivity; meal anticipation; motivation; nutrient preference; flavor; aversion; bile acids; TGR-5; FXR; gastrointestinal hormones; body weight; gastric accommodation; satiation; CB1 receptor; gut-brain; reward; aging; whey; anorexia; supplements; sarcopenia; nutrient sensing; enteroendocrine cells (EECs); appetite regulation; G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs); bitter substances; gastric motor function; postprandial blood glucose; preclinical studies; human studies; texture; oro-sensory exposure; sensory science; cephalic responses; brain areas; brain stem; weight management; intestinal brake; duodenal jejunal and ileal brake; tastants; circadian clock; gastric bypass surgery; microbiome; hypothalamus; n/a

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