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Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature (LST)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Land Surface Temperature (LST); satellite retrievals of LST; LST from GOES satellites; land surface temperature; drones; unmanned aerial vehicles; thermal remote sensing; MODIS; Bayesian Maximum Entropy; interpolation; Himalaya; air temperature; topography; Landsat; split window algorithm; TIRS; thermal; Landsat 8; stray light correction; split-window algorithm; single-channel algorithm; AMSR2; annual cycle parameters; random forest; cloudy sky LST; evapotranspiration; data fusion; field-scale; machine-learning; physical model; Sentinel-2; Sentinel-3; Downscaling; thermal infrared; disaggregation; Copernicus; hyperspectral thermal infrared; spectral smoothness; temperature-emissivity separation; sensitivity analysis; noise; land surface temperature (LST); daytime LST; nighttime LST; validation; land surface emissivity (LSE); single channel algorithm; radiative transfer equation; mono window algorithm; SURFRAD data; GK2A; split-window method; BSRN; LST; downscaling; LSA-SAF; Sentinel 2; DEM; spatial averaging biases; land surface emissivity; measurement uncertainties; emissivity box method; Fourier transform infrared spectrometer; portable spectrometer; n/a

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