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Climate variability and change in the 21th Century
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
California; hydrologic regions; warming; drought; regional climate modeling; hydrological modeling; bias correction; multivariate; pseudo reality; rainfall; trend analysis; Mann–Kendall; kriging interpolation; multiple climate models; standardized precipitation index (SPI); droughts; weights; Vu Gia-Thu Bon; climate change; optimal control; geoengineering; climate manipulation; GCM; RCM; CMIP5; CORDEX; climate model selection; upper Indus basin; NDVI; ENSO; wavelet; time series analysis; Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park; Google Earth Engine; Mediterranean climate; cluster analysis; objective classification; ERA5; mega-fires; Bayesian-model averaging; model uncertainty; climate-fire models; Mono River watershed; climate; temperature; heat wave; excess heat factor; acclimatization; Greece; precipitations; Hurst exponent; persistence; spatial correlation; Caucasian region; Regional Climate Model; climate classification; bias correction methods; precipitation; terrestrial ecosystems; GPP; LAI; CO2 fertilization effect; feedback; sassandra watershed; Côte d’Ivoire; boreal region; extreme wind speed; wind climate; soil frost; wind damage risk management; wind multiplier; downscaling; topography; surface roughness; VIIRS; MODIS; OLCI; RSB; SNPP; Terra; Aqua; Sentinel-3A; reflective solar bands; intersensor comparison; intercalibration; SNO; climate indices; climate change and Conakry
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