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Selected Papers from PRES’19: The 22nd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Process Integration; heat pumps; Joule cycle heat pump; Pinch Analysis; evaporation; condensation; surface-enhanced tube; heat transfer coefficient; fossil-intensive industrial processes; decarbonization technologies; reactive absorption/adsorption CO2 capture systems; modeling; simulation; and process integration; techno-economic and environmental assessments; improved superstructure; HENs; utility system; steam heater; MINLP; heat exchanger network (HEN); retrofit; flexibility; optimization; critical points; multi-period; flow distribution; process and power industry equipment; finite element analysis; waste-originated feedstock; isomerization; biogasoline; benzene-free; increased octane number; CFD modelling; heat treatment process; industrial furnaces; natural gas substitution; syngas co-firing; biofuel; bioenergy; supply chain; Malaysia; Indonesia; Thailand; interdisciplinary; integrated assessment; gravity-driven particle flow; discrete element method; heat transfer enhancement; acrylic acid; propylene oxidation; multitubular reactor; biowaste; waste-to-energy; composting; fermentation; greenhouse gases; global warming potential; energy-related carbon emissions; carbon flow; Sankey diagrams; structural changes; TRO index; energy allocation analysis; energy system; exergy footprint; sustainability; process systems engineering; exergy accounting; desalination; multi-effect distillation; multi-stage flash; mechanical vapor compression; reverse osmosis; renewable energy; waste materials; sewage sludge; riverbank grass; rumen fluid; pretreatment of waste; determination of parameters; biomass boilers; fuel cell; solar thermal; electrode boiler; steam systems; food processing industry; decarbonisation; energy costs; Shifted Retrofit Thermodynamic Grid Diagram (SRTGD); type selection; CO2 emissions; electricity planning; CO2 Constrained Energy Planning (CCEP); approaches for CCEP; aluminum products; ammonia synthesis; plate heat exchanger; heat transfer; multi-pass arrangement; optimal design; energy efficiency; environmental sustainability; heat integration; economic sustainability; optimisation and modelling tools; Acree model; dielectric constant; ethanol; impedance; King and Queen model; microwave heating; binary mixtures; NaCl; permittivity; water

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