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Differential Geometry

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

statistical structure; constant ratio submanifolds; Euclidean submanifold; framed helices; Sasakian statistical manifold; L2-harmonic forms; Hodge–Laplacian; complete connection; concircular vector field; cylindrical hypersurface; k-th generalized Tanaka–Webster connection; Casorati curvature; symplectic curves; generalized 1-type Gauss map; rectifying submanifold; manifold with singularity; ruled surface; Minkowski plane; compact complex surfaces; conjugate connection; T-submanifolds; L2-Stokes theorem; inextensible flow; shape operator; generalized normalized ?-Casorati curvature; Sasakian manifold; centrodes; circular helices; non-flat complex space form; invariant; Frenet frame; Darboux frame; trans-Sasakian 3-manifold; singular points; symplectic curvatures; Kähler–Einstein metrics; conjugate symmetric statistical structure; sectional ?-curvature; circular rectifying curves; developable surface; capacity; Ricci soliton; Reeb flow symmetry; Minkowskian pseudo-angle; conical surface; lie derivative; position vector field; pinching of the curvatures; Hessian manifolds; Minkowskian angle; Hessian sectional curvature; Minkowskian length; lightlike surface; affine sphere; concurrent vector field; slant; affine hypersurface; anti-invariant; statistical manifolds; Ricci operator; C-Bochner tensor; Ricci curvature; real hypersurface; scalar curvature; framed rectifying curves

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