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New Pathways for Community Energy and Storage

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

energy transition; local renewable energy cooperatives; governance roles; citizen participation; mixed methods; energy justice; acceptance of wind energy; modes of participation; modes of distribution of benefits; cooperative development; battery storage technologies; energy practices; public participation; householders; socio-technical transitions; Renewable energy communities; renewable energy directive; prosumership; decentralised energy production; energy clusters; European Union; consumer (co-)ownership.; renewable energy prosumer; collective prosumer; energy union; community energy; polycentricity; local energy initiatives; smart grid; legal innovation; socio-technical innovation; bottom-up; collective action; social innovation; mobilization model; energy communities; energy collectives; smart energy system; renewable energy system; sector integration; consumer ownership; local ownership; prosumer; organisational innovation; renewable energy community; vulnerable consumer; consumer empowerment; Clean Energy Package; electricity storage system; business model test; agent-based modeling; exploratory modeling analysis; renewable energy; energy cooperatives; energy community; thermal energy systems; agent-based modelling and simulation; formation and continuation; critical factors; community energy storage; responsible innovation; energy system integration; energy storage; community storage; battery storage; consumer; user; acceptance; energy services; n/a

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