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Application of the Systems Approach to the Management of Complex Water Systems

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

system dynamics; system analysis; complex water system; uncertainty assessment; climate change; regional climate models; averaging procedures; HEC-HMS; Lim river; Lim water systems; n/a; artificial recharge; groundwater; treated wastewater; freshwater resources; water footprint; water management; wine production; winemaking sector; Italy; SuDS; decision-making; Soft Systems; ANP; modelling; stakeholder; systems analyses; water resources; planning; management; implementation; political processes; innovation; impact; multi-purpose dam; water resources systems; performance-based engineering; simulation; resilience; disaster; risk; perception; community; Canada; integrated urban watershed management; group decision-support system; risk analysis; group consensus; Kashafroud watershed; water policy; water portfolio planning; water resources management; systems assessment; adaptive capacity; coupled human–natural systems; integrated water resources management; sociohydrology; modeling perspectives; agent-based modeling; differential equations; uncertainty; artificial intelligence; machine learning; water resource modelling; multiobjective optimisation; river abstraction; reservoir operation; stochastic dynamic programming; fuzzy optimization; reservoir-river system; water quantity-quality management; socio-hydrology; hydro-sociology; human-water systems; human-nature systems; social-ecological systems; CHANS; SES; socio-hydrologic modeling; IWRM; hydrology; multireservoir operations; optimization; multi-agent reinforcement learning; aggregation–decomposition; neural networks; systems; complexity

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