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Advances in the Biology of Phototrophic Bacteria

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

phylogeny; photosynthetic reaction center proteins; bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis; phototrophic purple bacteria; evolution of anoxygenic photosynthesis; iron-sulfur cluster; isc genes; suf genes; antisense promoters; OxyR; IscR; Irr; anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria; purple nonsulfur bacteria; massive blooms; pufM gene; Rhodovulum; phylogenomics; bioerosion; anoxygenic phototroph; microbiome; euendolith; Rhodobacter capsulatus; Rhodobacter sphaeroides; photooxidative stress; transcriptomics; proteomics; stress defense; heliobacteria; Heliorestis convoluta; alkaliphilic bacteria; soda lake; bacteriochlorophyll g; biological soil crust; drylands; niche partitioning; nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhodobacteraceae; nitric oxide; quorum sensing; gene transfer agent; motility; Crp/Fnr; Dnr; RegA; ChpT; green sulfur bacteria; syntrophy; e-pili; adhesion protein; photosynthetic symbionts; large multiheme cytochrome; metagenomic binning; genomes of photosynthetic bacteria; glycine betaine biosynthesis; ectoine biosynthesis; osmotic adaptation; phylogeny of osmolyte biosynthesis; filamentous anoxygenic phototroph; microbial mats; hot springs; metatranscriptomics; energy metabolism; carbon fixation; aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria; bacteriochlorophyll a; photosynthesis genes; rhodopsin; Sphingomonadaceae; aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs; siderophore; metallophore; CAS assay; Chromocurvus halotolerans strain EG19; n/a

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