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Theory and Application of Fixed Point
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
common coupled fixed point; bv(s)-metric space; T-contraction; weakly compatible mapping; quasi-pseudometric; start-point; end-point; fixed point; weakly contractive; variational inequalities; inverse strongly monotone mappings; demicontractive mappings; fixed point problems; Hadamard spaces; geodesic space; convex minimization problem; resolvent; common fixed point; iterative scheme; split feasibility problem; null point problem; generalized mixed equilibrium problem; monotone mapping; strong convergence; Hilbert space; the condition (ℰμ); standard three-step iteration algorithm; uniformly convex Busemann space; compatible maps; common fixed points; convex metric spaces; q-starshaped; fixed-point; multivalued maps; F-contraction; directed graph; metric space; coupled fixed points; cyclic maps; uniformly convex Banach space; error estimate; equilibrium; fixed points; symmetric spaces; binary relations; T-transitivity; regular spaces; b-metric space; b-metric-like spaces; Cauchy sequence; pre-metric space; triangle inequality; weakly uniformly strict contraction; S-type tricyclic contraction; metric spaces; b2-metric space; binary relation; almost ℛg-Geraghty type contraction
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