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Forest Hydrology and Watershed

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

East Asia; climate variability; metals; woody litter; extreme weather events; frequency analysis; relative contribution; streamflow variability; probability distribution; trace metal; climate change; annual streamflow; hydroclimatology; forest disturbances; river discharge; climate warming; Weihe River; non-woody litter; riparian forest; low flow; Central Asia; canopy filtering; flood; SWAT; Chu River; annual water yield; forest hydrology; throughfall; flow regimes; Schrenk spruce (Picea schrenkiana Fisch. et Mey.); tree rings; forest floor; reforestation; land-use change; low flows; watershed management; high flow; forest disturbance; subalpine forest; gap-edge canopy; human activities; boreal forest; Tianshan Mountains; closed canopy; groundwater level; fruit tree planting; hydrological model; high flows; cumulative effects; reconstruction; headwater stream; partial least squares (PLS) regression; streamflow

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