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Remote Sensing in Applications of Geoinformation

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

inundation mapping; flood mapping; automatic thresholding; Sentinel-2; wetlands; marshland; Camargue; Doñana; 3D modelling; LiDAR; CityGML; solar potential; general valuation; Cyprus; artificial intelligence; mass appraisals; real estate; algorithms; mathematical models; AVM; CAMA; urban forest; landscape metrics; aerial images; street view images; semantic segmentation; convolutional neural network (CNN); spatial clustering; Eastern Mediterranean Sea; multiple filtering; skeletonization; structural interpretation; air temperature; surface temperature; multiple linear regression; Landsat 8; urban heat island; satellite images; plastic litter; spectral indices; spectroscopy; remote sensing; UAVs; soil nutrients; field spectroscopy; Landsat (OLI); partial least-squares and regression; Wadi El-Garawla; n/a

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