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Current Trends in Symmetric Polynomials with their Applications

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generalized Laguerre; central complete Bell numbers; rational polynomials; Changhee polynomials of type two; Euler polynomials; generalized Laguerre polynomials; Hermite; conjecture; Legendre; the degenerate gamma function; trivariate Lucas polynomials; perfectly matched layer; third-order character; Euler numbers; two variable q-Berstein operator; entropy production; hypergeometric function; q-Bernoulli numbers; q-Bernoulli polynomials; symmetry group; Bernoulli polynomials; Fibonacci polynomials; central incomplete Bell polynomials; Chebyshev polynomials; convolution sums; Lucas polynomials; Jacobi; the modified degenerate Laplace transform; q-Volkenborn integral on ?p; and fourth kinds; two variable q-Berstein polynomial; the modified degenerate gamma function; two variable q-Bernstein operators; reduction method; identity; elementary and combinatorial methods; generalized Bernoulli polynomials and numbers attached to a Dirichlet character ?; explicit relations; recursive sequence; Fubini polynomials; p-adic integral on ?p; generating functions; q-Euler number; acoustic wave equation; congruence; trivariate Fibonacci polynomials; stochastic thermodynamics; fermionic p-adic integrals; Laguerre polynomials; fluctuation theorem; Bernoulli numbers and polynomials; w-torsion Fubini polynomials; non-equilibrium free energy; hypergeometric functions 1F1 and 2F1; recursive formula; Chebyshev polynomials of the first; second; central complete Bell polynomials; Apostol-type Frobenius–Euler polynomials; sums of finite products; q-Euler polynomial; symmetric identities; stability; fermionic p-adic q-integral on ?p; Gegenbauer polynomials; continued fraction; thermodynamics of information; well-posedness; fermionic p-adic integral on ?p; catalan numbers; classical Gauss sums; three-variable Hermite polynomials; q-Changhee polynomials; Catalan numbers; two variable q-Bernstein polynomials; q-Euler polynomials; analytic method; representation; mutual information; Fibonacci; Legendre polynomials; Gegenbauer; generalized Bernoulli polynomials and numbers of arbitrary complex order; Lucas; elementary method; new sequence; third; the degenerate Laplace transform; computational formula; operational connection; sums of finite products of Chebyshev polynomials of the third and fourth kinds; Changhee polynomials; linear form in logarithms

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