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Satellite Derived Global Ocean Product Validation/Evaluation
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
sea ice; ice surface temperature; Suomi NPP; JPSS; remote sensing; leads; MODIS; ocean color; algorithm; chlorophyll; HPLC; fluorometry; particulate organic carbon; southern ocean; ocean colour; satellite-derived chlorophyll-a concentration; algorithm evaluation; Northwest Atlantic; Northeast Pacific; Japanese common squid; Todarodes pacificus; habitat suitability index (HSI); the Yellow Sea; the South Sea of South Korea; spaceborne GNSS-R; DDM; ocean surface wind speed; GMF; CYGNSS; HY-2A; scatterometer; sea surface wind field; evaluation; satellite altimetry; significant wave height; SAR; wave buoy observations; validation; southwest England; coastal altimetry; Sentinel-3A; SRAL; particulate optical backscattering; Raman scattering; QAA algorithm; ESA OC-CCI; steric height; sea level variability; interferometric altimeter validation; high-frequency radar; MODIS ocean color patterns; submesoscale eddies; sea surface salinity estimation; Changjiang diluted water; neural network; GOCI application; sea surface temperature; global gridded dataset; Yellow Sea; bias correction; chlorophyll-a; phytoplankton; East/Japan Sea
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