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Innovative Technologies and Services for Smart Cities

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

n/a; data mining algorithms; pressure sensors; proactive content delivery; Elman neural network; cockroaches; capacitive sensor; renewable energy; indoor comfort; impedance measurement; Internet of things (IoT); context awareness; redundant capacity; city behavior; secondary traffic; SDN; ontology; bi-reflector solar PV system (BRPVS); air quality; ontology development; assistive living; sol-gel technique; decision support system; ambient assisted living; LCC converter; insect surveillance; sensitivity; wireless sensor node (WSN); unpowered; load balancing; wireless sensor network; dynamic range; solar; anomaly detection; location-based social networks; real-time assessment; porous alumina; IoT; building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV); carbon nanotubes; six-port structure; domestic environment reconfiguration; half bridge; smart mat; cloud computing; differentiated services; reflection-based; nanocomposite sensor; ppm; chemical sensors; sensor systems and applications; tensile testing; WSN; smart traps; ontology-based application; hotel room comfort

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