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Advances in Hydrogen Energy
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
methanol steam reforming; hydrogen production; exhaust waste heat; rib microreactor; air-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cells; adiabatic fuel cell temperature; thermodynamic analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cells; ammonia; hydrogen; production; storage; utilization; CO2 free; hydrogen storage; hydrogen compression; non-mechanical compressors; electrochemical compressors; activated carbons; computational analysis; high-pressure methanol steam reformer; phase change heat transfer; high pressure steam condensation; high temperature PEM; fuel cell; electro-osmotic drag; polymer electrolyte membrane; proton exchange membrane fuel cells; proton exchange membrane electrolyzer cells; membrane water transport; elementary reactions steps; rate-determining step; solid oxide electrolysis cell; multi-physics; optimal rib/pitch ratio; parameters sensitivity; analytical expression; SOFC; system; model; stack test; hydrogen systems; cryogenics; vortex tubes; computational fluid dynamics; low melting metal; Al-based alloy; metal smelting; fuel cells; hydrogen hybrid energy system; thermography; CFD modeling; heat transfer; optimization; PEM; fault; diagnosis; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; distribution of relaxation times; reformate; proton exchange membrane fuel cell; gas diffusion layer; microscopic porous layer; fracture; two phase flow
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