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High Efficient Buildings in Mediterranean Area: Challenges and Perspectives

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

nZEB; photovoltaics; geothermal energy system; energy storage units; energy transactions; life cycle cost assessment; payback period; building design; cost-optimal analysis; BEopt; economic projections; smart solar shading; energy saving; venetian blinds; trombe wall; experimental analysis; solar gains; PCM thermal storage; bioclimatic strategy; traditional constructive technology; wine vinification; energetic retrofit; shading systems; multi-objective optimization; energy savings; visual comfort; renewable energy sources; PV systems configurations; energy storage; net present value; emission reduction; weather data; typical weather year; building energy simulations; residential building; energy demand; energy efficiency policy; nearly zero energy building; Positive Energy Building; energy performance of buildings; thermal behaviour; thermal dynamic simulation; prefabricated buildings; SUPRIM; EnergyPlus; building energy performance; phase change materials; green roof; measurements; thermal behavior; monitoring; dynamic model

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