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Municipal Wastewater Management

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

sewer corrosion; biocorrosion; concrete sewers; ocean dumping; sewage sludge; capping method; London Protocol; least cost analysis; integrated fixed-film activated sludge systems; modified loofah sponge; bio-carrier; microbial density; municipal wastewater; Greece; wastewater treatment plant (WWTP); history; policy; technology trends and applications; microorganisms; inactivation; water matrix; catalysts; antibiotic-resistant bacteria; resistance genes; heterogeneous catalytic ozonation; PZC; p-CBA; minerals; thermal treatment; micropollutants removal; hybrid constructed wetland; public acceptance; wastewater reuse; wastewater treatment; waste-water management; SCADA; design optimization; remote control; IoT; cloud computing; disruptive innovation; lifecycle; water prices; water tariffs; sanitation taxes; wastewater treatment costs; energy costs; household budgets; screenings; fats; biogas potential; wastewater treatment plant; energy utilization; anaerobic digestion; n/a

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