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“3D” Parametric and Nonparametric Description of Surface Topography in Manufacturing Processes
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
profile; two-process surface; correlation length; austenitization; cryogenic; microstructure; microhardness; abrasive wear; tempering; thermoplastic polyurethane; heat-welded V-belt; IR thermography; hardness; surface roughness; SEM morphology; optical microscopy; machining; sintered aluminum; 3D surface roughness parameters; surface defects; contact profilometry; surface topography; thermal disturbance; thermal expansion; thermal chamber; micro turning; material removal rate; RSM; Ti6Al4V alloy; tool wear; surface texture; anisotropy; multiscale; roping; ridging; topography; autocorrelation function; roughness; EDM; craters; multiscale analysis; microgeometry; bimodal distribution; material ratio; parameters; fiber-reinforced polymers; automated fiber placement; path planning; abrasive water jet machining; cutting kerf; soda–lime glass; radius of the cutting head trajectory; quality; contact mechanics; equivalent sum rough surface; β-phase TNTZ alloy; nano-finishing; magnetic abrasive finishing; material removal; optimization; parametric appraisal; circulated coins; surface condition; optical methods; measurements and analysis; mechanical engineering; roughness analysis; high-efficiency video coding (HEVC); texture feature descriptors; texture image classification; support vector machine (SVM); electroplated grinding wheel; grinding wheel wear; grinding wheel surface texture; n/a
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