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2nd Edition of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health-EDRM)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

infection spread and control; infection risk; human behavior; close contact; sensor-based; indoor environment; indoor positioning; head and body motion; open-plan office; disaster; psychosocial impacts; community resilience; Kumamoto earthquake; DMHISS; disaster psychiatry; Japan; acute mental health needs; duration of activity; DPAT (Disaster Psychiatric Assistance Team); cold; personal health protective behaviour; associated factors; risk perception; subtropical city; disaster responders; support; psychosocial; risk management; COVID-19; urban; health risks; Health-Emergency and Disaster Risk Management; biological hazard; pandemic; PHEIC; Hong Kong; Fukushima nuclear accident; mass media; Internet; public health practice; community mental health services; typhoon; hurricane; cyclone; strong wind levels; natural disaster; Health-EDRM; risk-taking behaviour; sensation seeking; landslide displacement; predictive uncertainty; ensemble prediction; probability combination scheme; quantile regression neural networks (QRNNs); kernel density estimation (KDE); Daegu; sense of belonging; pride; mental health; disaster relief fund; non-communicable disease; self-care; NCD management; home care; early phase of pandemic; health-EDRM; primary prevention; vector-borne disease; biological hazards; climate change; narrative review; Asia Pacific; Health EDRM; long-term impact; public health; case study; disaster management; multi-case analysis; Europe; flood; elderly; cardiovascular diseases; cerebrovascular diseases; H-EDRM; extreme temperature; socioeconomic vulnerability; health disparities; n/a

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