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Nanoscale Thermodynamics

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

nanothermodynamics; porous systems; molecular simulation; differential pressure; integral pressure; pressure; confinement; equilibrium; thermodynamic; small-system; hills-thermodynamics; pore; nanopore; interface; Kirkwood-Buff integrals; surface effects; molecular dynamics; activated carbon; high-pressure methane adsorption; thermodynamics of adsorption systems; small system method; thermodynamics of small systems; hydration shell thermodynamics; finite size correction; adsorption; thin film; size-dependent; thermodynamics; spreading pressure; entropy of adsorption; polymers; single-molecule stretching; thermodynamics at strong coupling; temperature-dependent energy levels; Hill’s thermodynamics of small systems; porous media; statistical mechanics; ideal gas; nanoparticles; n/a

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