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Emerging Technologies for the Energy Systems of the Future

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

hybrid systems; photovoltaic; wind energy; energy economics; RES investments; Zimbabwe; Africa and energy security; electricity price forecasting (EPF); wind power forecasting (WPF); spot market; balancing market; ARMAX; NARX-ANN; 100% renewable power system; secondary voltage control; tertiary voltage control; grid code; wind farms; photovoltaic parks; energy transition; renewable energy sources; island power systems; hybrid power plants; wind turbines; battery energy storage systems; marine microgrid; tidal generation system; black widow optimization; supplementary control; fractional integrator; non-linear fractional integrator; 100% renewable power generation; nexus; food; energy; water; greenhouse gas emission; microgrid; ancillary services; energy storage; power management; solar hot waters; thermosyphon; thermal performance; Morocco; economic outcomes; CO2 environmental assessment; solar system; domestic hot water production; solar water heaters; individual and collective solar water heater systems; dynamic simulation; TRNbuild; TRNSYSstudio; energy management; residential and commercial loads; short-term load forecasting; deep learning; bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM); n/a

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