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Advances in Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics: Volume 2
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chute aerator; spillway bottom; air concentration; air bubble frequency; air bubble chord length; evolution of precipitation; model simulation; information entropy theory; desert–oasis areas; Tarim Basin; gravity wave model; dam-break flood; image processing technology; experimental study; cavitation bubble; high-speed photography; impact pressure; micro-jet; Ningxia–Inner Mongolia; Yellow River; riverbank collapse; BSTEM model; flood & dry season; sediment transport; finite crest length weir; FGP (flaring gate pier); discharge coefficient; subcritical flow; river flow modeling; sediment transport simulation; automation of flow modeling; HEC-RAS controller; python scripting; three-dimensional aerator; multi-horizontal-submerged jets; energy dissipation; near-field vibration; fluctuating pressure; gate-opening modes; collapse near a wall; double cavitation bubble; tilt distribution cavitation; parallel cavitation; pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann model; numerical simulation; pooled stepped spillway; pool weir; flow property; surface-piercing propeller; artificial ventilation; hydrodynamic performance; LES-VOF method; flow-induced vibration; plane gate; numerical analysis; bridge scour; submerged flow; physical hydraulic modeling; ski-jump flow; spillway outlet; jet trajectory; experimental model; rainfall intensity distribution; two water jets; collision in air; Gaussian distribution; trajectory line; clogging; drip irrigation; flushing; particle size distribution; sediments; submerged jets; aerated flow; plunge pool; trapezoidal cross-section; U-shaped channel; radius-to-width ratio; slope coefficient; hydraulic characteristics; hydraulic jump; Froude number; stilling basin with shallow-water cushion (SBSWC); large eddy simulation; best depth; CFD–DEM coupling; hydrocyclone; particle shape; particle size; water and sediment separation; stepped dropshaft; flow region; central angle of step; free surface measurement; optical motion capturing; tank test; wave gauge; sloshing; offset jet; potential core; decay rate; k-ε model; abutment; overtopping flow; pressure flow; scour and velocity field; Y-shaped confluence channel; non-submerged rigid vegetation; longitudinal velocity; secondary flow; turbulent kinetic energy; wetland; lattice Boltzmann method; shallow lake; drag force; water-saving irrigation development level; Sichuan province; TOPSIS method; experiment; particle image velocimetry; 3D confined wall jet; mean flow; multiple bubble collapse; pressure wave energy; energy conversion rate; consistent particle method; solitary wave; submerged breakwater; breaking wave; vortex; free surface flow; embankment weir; bridge piers; turbulence; CFD; sediment; transforming mechanism; open channel bend; velocity distribution; PIV; hyporheic exchange; surface−groundwater flow process; influencing factors; orthogonal tests; sensitivity analysis; linearly moved irrigation system; application depth; moving speed; uniformity coefficient; tidal discharge; phase difference; tidal channel junction; flow division; fluvial acoustic tomography; wavelet analysis; DEM; hydrodynamic modelling; river bathymetry; floods; Bathy-supp; coherent vortex structure; backward-facing step; synchronized PIV; separation and reattachment; free shear layer; vortical evolution
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