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Remote Sensing of Flow Velocity, Channel Bathymetry, and River Discharge

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

estuary; morphology; rapid assessment; bathymetry; flow velocity; salinity; tool; remotely-sensed imagery; small unmanned aerial system (sUAS); river flow; thermal infrared imagery; particle image velocimetry; lidar bathymetry; fluvial; geomorphology; change detection; remotely piloted aircraft system; refraction correction; structure-from-motion photogrammetry; water surface elevation; topographic error; machine learning; UAV LiDAR; airborne laser bathymetry; full waveform processing; performance assessment; high resolution hydro-mapping; remote sensing; rivers; discharge; hydrology; modelling; ungauged basins; Alaska; river; PIV; large-scale particle image velocimetry; LSPIV; surface velocity; river discharge; Doppler radar; pulsed radar; probability concept; water temperature; salmonids; Pend Oreille River; thermal infrared (TIR); acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP); channel bathymetry; cold-water refuge; dam; flooding; high-water marks (HWMs); small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS); drone; photogrammetry; hydraulic modeling; aerial photography; surveying; inundation; Landsat; streamflow; flow frequency; satellite revisit time; flow regime

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