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Electronic and Thermal Properties of Graphene

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

graphene; chemical vapor deposition; electronic materials; enantiomer recognition; phenylalanine; liquid exfoliation; polyvinylidene fluoride; conductive adhesives; flexiable; carbon honeycomb; molecular dynamics; LAMMPS; uniaxial tension; nanoindentation; EDLC; rGO scrolls; thiol functionalization; supercapacitor; energy and power density; carbon foam; nanomaterials; phase change material; thermal conductivity; latent heat storage; graphene oxide; PEEP; ROP; grafting-from; electrical; thermal; thermoelectric; applications; hydrogenated epitaxial graphene; electronic structure; ferromagnetism; Graphene; Graphene Oxide; 2D materials; Electrochemical; Biosensor; mechanical properties; thermal properties; defect; molecular dynamic; CVD graphene; transfer; ruga; wrinkle; ripple; Raman spectroscopy; AFM; SnO2 aerogel; sol–gel method; nanocomposite; photocatalysis; PVDF; HDPE; graphene nanoplatelet; nanocomposites; electrical properties; electronic and thermal properties; electronic and thermal conductivity; quantum Hall effect; Dirac fermions; Seebeck coefficient; thermoelectric effect; graphene-based applications; metasurface; phase shift; polarization; wavefront shaping; tunability; humidity sensors; reduced graphene oxide; chemical modified graphene; graphene/polymer; graphene quantum dots; graphene/metal oxide; graphene/2D materials; carbon-coated separator; polysulfide; shuttle effect; lithium–sulfur batteries; pyrolysis fuel oil (PFO); isotropic pitch; carbon fiber; transparent heater; PECVD; n/a

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