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Bioactive Molecules from Extreme Environments

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Latrunculia; Antarctica; deep-sea sponge; molecular networking; molecular docking; discorhabdin; Arctic/Antarctic environment; biocatalysis; cold-adaptation; marine biotechnology; deep sea; extremophilic microorganisms; extremozyme; thermophilic enzyme; psychrophilic enzyme; halophilic enzyme; piezophilic enzyme; chitinase; cold-adapted; optimization; antifungal; Pseudomonas; Deinococcus; deinoxanthin; carotenoid; deep-sea; extreme; ecosystem; fungi; bioactive compounds; secondary metabolites; halophilic bacteria; archaea and fungi; biomolecules; biomedicine; antimicrobial compounds; anticancer compounds; green synthesis biomaterials; silver nitrate; antibiotics; nanotechnology; marine prokaryotes; microbial diversity; polyextremophiles; deep hypersaline anoxic basins; blue biotechnologies; extremozymes; limits of life; Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba); genome survey; mitochondrial genome; whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei); antimicrobial peptide (AMP); antihypertensive peptide (AHTP); cypermethrin; biosurfactants; biodegradation capacities; marine sediments; Arctic/Antarctic; deep hypersaline anoxic basin; cold-adapted bacteria; halophilic microorganisms; marine natural product; enzyme; silver nanoparticle; marine bioprospecting

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