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Woody Biomass for Bioenergy Production

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

grindability; torrefied biomass; pellet; energy consumption; co-firing; biomass; gasification; tar; syngas cleaning; dry filter; pyrolysis; chemical composition; micro-structure; physical properties; scanning electron microscopy; wood; thermal pretreatment; torrefaction; timber; harvest residues; ethanol; GHG savings; Michigan; variety and rootstock selection; almond tree; agricultural practices; halophytes; Phoenix dactylifera; Salicornia bigelovii; thermogravimetric analysis; torrefied biomass; correlation; ultimate analysis; solid yield; heating value; OLS; 2-inch top pine residue + switchgrass blends; pelleting process variables; pellet quality; specific energy consumption; response surface models; hybrid genetic algorithm; pelleting; functional groups; pellet strength; combustion efficiency; forest biomass; Australia; biomass energy potential; emission; bioenergy

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