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Advances in Object and Activity Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

multi-camera system; space alignment; UAV-assisted calibration; cross-view matching; spatiotemporal feature map; view-invariant description; air-to-ground synchronization; tidal flat water; YOLOv3; similarity algorithm for water extraction; arbitrary-oriented object detection in satellite optical imagery; adaptive dynamic refined single-stage transformer detector; feature pyramid transformer; dynamic feature refinement; synthetic aperture radar (SAR); ship detection; convolutional neural network (CNN); deep learning (DL); feature pyramid network (FPN); quad feature pyramid network (Quad-FPN); crowd estimation; 3D simulation; unmanned aerial vehicle; synthetic crowd data; invasive species; thermal imaging; habitat identification; deep learning; drone; multiview semantic vegetation index; urban forestry; green view index (GVI); semantic segmentation; urban vegetation; RGB vegetation index; n/a

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