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Coastal Waters Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Technology

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

ACOLITE; coastal waters; atmospheric correction; time-series; management; Sentinel-2; radon transform; remote sensing; bathymetry inversion; multi-scale monitoring; image augmentation; phytoplankton remote sensing; coastal ocean; red tides; black pixel assumption; satellite; sediment transport; coastal geomorphology; ocean color; GOCI; VIIRS; turbid waters; satellite-derived bathymetry; Copernicus programme; multi-temporal approach; lidar; turbidity; coastal upwelling; wind forcing; river plume; MODIS; Arctic Ocean; hurricanes; water quality; Puerto Rico; harmful algal blooms; Chattonella spp.; Skeletonema spp.; backscattering; Ariake Sea; chlorophyll-a variability; spring–neap tides; MODIS-Aqua; total suspended sediment; river discharge; band registration; morphological registration; multispectral camera; Micasense Rededge-M; Pearl River estuary; diffuse attenuation coefficient; S-EOF; land subsidence; multi-temporal SAR interferometry; sea-surface height; relative sea level change; satellite altimetry data; GNSS; coastal urban centers; natural protected areas; climate change impact; physics-based inversion method; ocean surface circulation; high frequency radar; self-organizing map; empirical orthogonal function; neural networks; synoptic characteristics; wave radar; sea waves; model data; Mediterranean sea; small river plume; aerial drone; coastal processes; frontal zones; internal waves; along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar (ATI-SAR); current line-of-sight (LOS) velocity; azimuth ambiguity; baseline-to-platform speed ratio estimation; storm surge; coastal flooding; marine storms; natural hazards; steric-effect; satellite altimetry; ADG/CDOM colored dissolved organic matter; Sentinel 3; southwestern Puerto Rico; ocean tidal backwater; stage–discharge relation; ocean tide model; Mekong Delta; suspended particulate matter; ocean color data; satellite remote sensing; in situ measurements; C2RCC; Landsat-8 OLI; Sentinel-2 MSI; Mzymta River; Black Sea; MUR SST; SST fronts; Inner Sea of Chiloé; northern Patagonia; suspended sediment; Typhoon Soudelor; spatial–temporal distribution; HF marine radars; wave energy

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