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Buildings and Structures under Extreme Loads II

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

blast loads; slab-column joints; prediction model; damage level; progressive collapse; steel beam-to-column connections; catenary mechanism; double-span assemblies; stiffness degradation; timber-to-timber composite (TCC) joints; push-out (PO) test setup; inclined self-tapping screws (STSs); finite-element (FE) method; cohesive zone modelling (CZM) method; boundaries; friction; sensitivity study; prototype abutment; non-destructive test; surcharge load; mode number; scour; steel truss; roof structure; partial collapse; finite element analysis; lightning strike; cable-stayed bridge; social disaster; blast scenario; blast analysis; LS-DYNA; balau wood; cross-arm; transmission tower; bracing system; creep; findley’s power law model; burger model; top-seat angle connections (TSACW); component-based models; initial stiffness; ultimate moment capacity; moment-rotation relation; artificial neural network (ANN); sensitivity analysis (SA); reinforced concrete column; multi-column pier; seismic behavior; lap-splice; transverse reinforcement; plastic hinge; ductility; bonded-in rod (BiR) connections; adhesives; fracture modes; moisture; experiments; linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM); analytical model; aeroelastic experiments; experimental uncertainty; singular value decomposition; correlation field; cathedral; foundation rehabilitation; jacked-in piles; soil injection; cracks; masonry; differential equation of motion; Legendre–Galerkin matrix (LGM) method; algebraic polynomials; single degree of freedom (SDOF); multi degree of freedom (MDOF); n/a

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