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Synthesis and Characterization of Biomedical Materials

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

sol-gel phase transitions; injectable scaffolds; chitosan; calcium β-glycerophosphate; rheology; bone tissue engineering; diblock copolymers; drug delivery systems; nanoparticles; nanoprecipitation; self-assembly; implant; stainless steel; nickel; leaching; nitrogen; cytotoxicity; nanodendrites; nanostar; fibroblast cells; gelatin; one-pot synthesis; hollow mesoporous silica; porous silica; high drug loading capacity; drug delivery system; fretting; fretting wear; Ni-Cr-Mo; dental alloys; titaniumcarbonitride; Ti(C, N) coating; thin films; zirconium carbide; antimicrobial properties; medical implants; 316L stainless steel; sintering; surface nitriding; nitrogen absorption; response surface methodology; sodium alginate; hydrogel material; regenerative medicine; urethra; hybrid materials; hydroxyapatite; FEA; V-shaped tooth defects; fillings; glass-ionomer cement; flowable composite; stomatognathic system; prosthetic restorations; surgical guide; dental prosthesis restoration manufacturing center; CBCT tomography; dental implants; implant-scaffolds; hybrid multilayer biological-engineering composites biomaterials; CAD/CAM methods; additive manufacturing technologies; selective laser sintering; stereolithography; Dentistry 4.0; Industry 4.0; robocasting; bioactive glass; scaffold; sol–gel; 45S5 Bioglass®; biomaterials; biomedical implants; additive manufacturing; dental prosthetic restorations; Ti6Al4V dental alloy; structural X-ray analysis; energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscope; metallography; tensile and bending strength; corrosion resistance; tribological tests; in-vitro tests; industry 4.0; dentistry 4.0; SARS-CoV-2 pandemic; SPEC strategy; elimination clinical aerosol at the source; dendrological matrix; photopolymer materials; additive digital light printing; dentistry sustainable development; dental prophylaxis; dental interventionistic treatment; caries; periodontology; toothlessness; endodontics; dental implantology; dental prosthetics; dentist safety; dentist ethics; Co–Cr dental alloys; corrosion; porcelain firing; SLM; MSM; CST; light-cured composites; photopolymerization process; microhardness; optimization; regression analysis; health; well-being; long and healthy life policy; medicine; dentistry; medical ethics; COVID-19 pandemic; bioengineering; medical engineering; dental engineering; biomedical materials; Bioengineering 4.0; engineers’ ethics; filling materials; sealants; obturation; gutta-percha; Resilon; procedural benchmarking; comparative matrices; virtual approach; digital twin; scanning electron microscopy; n/a

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