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Remote Sensing of Volcanic Processes and Risk

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

volcanic thermal anomalies; change detection; Villarrica Volcano; small satellites; FireBIRD; TET-1; gas emission monitoring; X-band InSAR; scanning Mini-DOAS; Multi-GAS; volcanic gases; precipitable water vapor; radar path delay; Láscar volcano; Mt. Etna; multi-platform satellite observations; RSTVOLC; Stromboli volcano; landslides; effusive activity; Ground-Based InSAR; infrared live cam; seismic monitoring; PLEIADES; Digital Elevation Models; optical sensors; volcano remote sensing; volcano deformation; SAR interferometry; post-unrest deflation; inversion modelling; Santorini; hyperspectral; FENIX; lava field; SMACC; LSMA; volcano monitoring; thermal imaging; time series; Seasonal-Trend Decomposition; heat flux; emissivity; lava flow modeling; remote sensing; volcanic eruption interpretation; eruption forecasting; MSG SEVIRI; wavelet; thermal measurements; lava fountain; lava flow; Mt.Etna; eruptive style; Timanfaya volcanic area; HDR geothermal systems; GPR; EMI; magnetic anomalies; seasonality; lahars hazard; magma accumulation; pyroclastic flows; ash plumes; volcanic cloud; Landsat 8; elevation model; Volcán de Colima; lava flow volume estimation; SPOT; EO-1 ALI; MODIS data; SENTINEL-2 images; infrasonic activity; open-vent activity; fissural eruption; long- and short-term precursors; SO2 fluxes; UV Camera; Etna Volcano; explosive basaltic volcanism; Bezymianny; monitoring; lava dome; inflation; SAR imaging; radar pixel offsets; acoustic infrasound; volcanic emissions; ground-based remote sensing; Sentinel missions; Convolutional Neural Network (CNN); Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging; InSAR processing; infrared remote sensing; SO2 gas emission; satellite remote sensing; ash fall; lava flows; pyroclastic density currents; mapping; volcanic hazard; gas emissions; edifice growth and collapse; volcanic unrest; thermal anomalies

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