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Efficiency of Bank Filtration and Post-Treatment

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

floods; environmental monitoring; river bank filtration; heavy metals; riverside water source; entrance velocity; ultrafiltration; online monitoring; drinking water treatment; water treatment; system costs; optimization; biofilm; fluorescence excitation-emission matrix; riverbed; inorganic chemicals; well structure remodeling; riverbank filtration (RBF); sub-oxic conditions; electro-chlorination; energy generation; pressure loss; bank filtrate portion; removal efficacy; bank filtrate; manganese; out/in membrane comparison; pharmaceutical residues; analytical method; hydrochemistry; subsurface geology; dissolved organic matter; column experiments; storage tank; groundwater; organic matter composition; water supply; rural water supply; collector wells; mirror-image method; southern India; gabapentin; microorganisms; site investigation; small communities; decentralized capillary nanofiltration; PHREEQC; renewable energy; droughts; hydrological trends; bank filtration; filter cake; sulphate; point-bar alluvial setting; inline electrolysis; energy efficiency; Ganga; climate change; turbine; Nakdong River; organic matter degradation; oxypurinol; slow sand filtration; suboxic; PARAFAC-EEM; Krishna River; water quality; smart villages; micropollutants; anoxic; dissolved organic carbon (DOC); attenuation; organic micropollutants; disinfection; surface water treatment; nitrate; drinking water hydropower; pesticides; disinfection by-products; Damodar; pathogen barrier; organic carbon; salinity; sustainable water production; clogging; Yamuna; LC-OCD; redox sensitivity; pharmaceuticals; high temperature; performance; riverbank filtration; trihalomethanes; iron

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