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Soil Water Erosion

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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gully head-cuts; machine learning modeling; soil erosion; Iran; R-factor; USLE; rainfall intensity; modeling; radar climatology; RADKLIM; rain gauge; sediment flux; total soil loss; watershed characteristics; PCA analysis; RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation); WaTEM/SEDEM; Czech Republic; residential areas; loess; meltwater flow; runoff and sediment yield; hydraulic parameter; comparability; infiltration; rainfall simulation; runoff; RUSLE; land cover change; armed conflict; Northern Al-Kabeer river Syria; freeze-thaw cycles; loamy soil; soil property; soil detachment capacity; Loess Plateau; badlands; morphological changes; land use change; Emilia Apennines (Northern Italy); multiple-tracer experiments; precipitation amounts; preferential flow; solute transport; protection forest; irrigation; sediment; overland flow; soil loss; watershed; sediment connectivity; connection mode; connection degree; land management; gully geometry; dynamic erosion model; stable gully; area–slope approach; field measurement; water erosion model; event scale; sediment yield; Chenab river; remote sensing; GIS; n/a

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