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Wave Interactions with Coastal Structures

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

shallow waters; wave energy; coastal erosion; beach restoration; submerged breakwaters; protected nourishments; wave overtopping; coastal safety; flow velocity; flow depth; sea dikes; overtopping reduction; force reduction; oblique waves; storm return wall; EurOtop manual; validation; wave modelling; shallow foreshore; dike-mounted vertical wall; wave impact loads; OpenFOAM; average overtopping discharge; individual volume; overtopping flow depth; overtopping flow velocity; promenade; vertical wall; SWASH; fluid–structure interaction; waves; smoothed particle hydrodynamics; SPH; Pont del Petroli; storm Gloria; inter-model comparison; DualSPHysics; wave pressure; caisson breakwater; stability; RANS model; solitary wave; fully nonlinear wave; three-dimensional wave; partially submerged cylinder; hollow circular cylinder; tsunami; wave; bore; flooding; debris; numerical modeling; SPH–FEM coupling; coastal structures; n/a

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