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Advanced Coatings for Buildings
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
geopolymer; metakaolin; titanium oxide; physical and mechanical properties; polystyrene; DOPA; polydopamine; antifouling; polyethylene glycol; Pluronic; QCM-D; coating; building materials; bacterial growth; proliferation; biofilm; antibacterial; hydrophobic; photocatalytic; sonochemistry; mortar; polydimethylsiloxane; phenylmethylsilicone oil; viscosity; additive amount; leach; particle size; distribution characteristics; contaminated particle; porcelain insulator; adhesion simulation model; cellulose; aerogel; thermal insulation; building envelope; silica; ceramic coating; fly ash; anti-fouling; slagging; boiler; energy efficiency; biofilms; DEMM; DEME; PMMA; polymer brush coating; polysaccharide; protein; lipid; nucleic acid; Raman spectroscopy; AgNPs; antibacterial coatings; polyetheretherketone films; tollens method; acrylic resin; bio-filler; cone calorimeter; heat release rate; intumescent coating; steel; green roofs; biological coatings; hydraulic performance; thermal performance; sustainable construction certification; LEED; BREEAM; CASBEE; BEAM; ESGB; glass waste; copper oxide; antibacterial surfaces; hydrophobic products; silicon-based compounds; claddings; durability; moisture transport properties; recycled and reused materials; drainage; dead load; protective coatings; air-purifying coatings; anti-fouling coatings; ultra-low biofouling coatings
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