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Challenges and Opportunities for the Renewable Energy Economy

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

day-ahead market; balancing market; gate closure; forecast uncertainty; wind power forecast; agent-based simulation; the MATREM system; drying; solar energy; sustainable processing; energy efficiency; global heat production; energy market; energy conversion; electricity; carbon trading; palm oil producer; renewable energy; economy; sustainable development; clean development mechanism; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Malaysia; energy planning; Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT); Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM); low-carbon economy; renewable energy deployment; environmental efficiency; pumped hydro storage; wind farm; simulated annealing; genetic algorithm; pattern search; Matlab optimization toolbox; economic and environment feasibility; renewables; low carbon; interdependence; copulas; conditional quantiles; liquefied natural gas; cold energy; regasification; chilled water; techno economic; coevolution; the fuel ethanol industry; history-friendly model; entry regulation; ethanol mandate; production subsidy; R& D subsidy

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