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Surveys in Geophysics

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Surveys in Geophysics publishes refereed overview articles on physical, chemical and biological processes occurring within the Earth, on its surface, in its atmosphere and in the near-Earth space environment, including relations with other bodies in the solar system. Observations, their interpretation, theory and modeling are presented in relation to relevant disciplines in the Geosciences and related areas. The subjects covered in Surveys in Geophysics comprise all aspects of the solid Earth, geodesy, oceans and atmosphere, meteorology and climate, hydrology, environmental issues, solar-terrestrial and space physics, plus the physics of the Moon and the terrestrial-type planets.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

No disponibles.

Institución detectada Período Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada desde ene. 1997 / hasta dic. 2020 SpringerLink


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


País de edición


Fecha de publicación