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Eficiencia en subastas de múltiples objetos

Carlos H. Mendiburo Díaz


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
"This research aims to systematize recent ndings about e¢ ciency in multi-object auctions. The main questions are: Is it possible to reach e¢ ciency in multi-object auctions? How? What factors a¤ect e¢ ciency, in theory and in practice? Several issues arise in the study of e¢ ciency in auctions. For example, results vary depending on players attitude toward risk, on whether we assume private or common values, on whether objects are identical (which requires specify- ing whether each player has unit-demand or multi-unit demand), or heterogeneous (assuming players have de ned valuations for each possible package). A general point is that if one can use observed bids to infer valuations, it is possible to reach e¢ ciency. For instance, it has been shown that e¢ ciency can be achieved in multi-object auctions when players have independent private values and in common values settings with one-dimensional signals. This in general is not true with common values and multidimensional signals. Finally, there is a growing litera- ture about experiments with auctions, designed in order to compare auction formats in terms of e¢ ciency."
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Auctions; Mathematical models.; Subastas; Modelos matemáticos.

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No requiere 2011 Repositorio Digital San Andrés (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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