Catálogo de publicaciones - tesis

Título de Acceso Abierto

Efecto de la época de cosecha, tratamientos poscosecha y control quimico ante los daños de A. aurantii (Maskell) y P. pergandii (Comstock) en frutos de mandarina Nova

Ramiro Ignacio Monteros Solito Roberto Scotta Norberto Gariglio Sara Cáceres Isabel Bertolaccini María Silvia Ferrucci


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
Chemical control alternatives, application rates, harvest time and postharvest processes were evaluated in commercial fruit quality of Nova tangerine related to the presence of the red scale (Aonidiella aurantii) and the chaff scale (Parlatoria pergandii Comstock). Treatments for harvest time and postharvest processes were: T1 Early Harvest; T2 Early Harvest and Brushing; T3 Natural Coloration Harvest and T4 Natural Coloration Harvest and Brushing. Treatments for chemical control were: T1 Control, T2 one application of vegetable oil (VO); T3 two VO applications; T4 one VO application + mercaptothion and T5 one VO application + imidacloprid. Treatments for application rates per hectare, using the Tree Row Volume (TRV) method were: T1 Control, T2 TRV; T3 TRV + 25% and T4 traditional volume. Fruit cleaning and brushing treatment at different harvest time were efficient when the infestation was caused by A. aurantii. However when P. pergandii was predominant, this process did not improve market quality and produced the largest trading loss, lowering the proportion of undamaged and superior quality fruits. The best results of the chemical control alternatives considering efficacy and the lowest fruit infestation were: vegetal oil (T3) and vegetal oil with imidacloprid (T5) during summer when peaks of L1 and L2 were observed. The lower application rate can reduce costs and environmental pollution and did not affect the control level.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Aonidiella aurantii; Parlatoria pergandii; Diaspididae damage in mandarin nova; Chemical control of A. aurantii and P. pergandii; Using different control volumes scale insects; Daño de Diaspididae en mandarina nova; Control químico de A. aurantii y P. pergandii; Utilización de diferentes volúmenes de control de cochinillas

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2013 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto Descargá directamente
No requiere 2013 INTA Digital (SNRD) acceso abierto Descargá directamente


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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