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Efecto de distintos mulchings sobre la humedad y temperatura del suelo, estado hídrico, incidencia de malezas y crecimiento de un cultivo en implantación de mandarina Nova en Concordia, Entre Ríos

Claudio Andrés Gómez Roberto Ricardo Scotta Patricia Cecilia Flores Carlos Alberto Bouzo Norberto Francisco Gariglio


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
The practice of eliminating the vegetal cover of citrus orchards in Concordia (Entre Ríos) contributes to the degradation of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of utilizing different mulches on soil moisture and temperature, water status of the crop, incidence of weeds, and growth of a Nova mandarin orchard. This experiment was conducted in campaigns 2012/2013 and 2013/2014. The seven experimental treatments were: control; conventional chemical management; 6 and 12 centimeters thick rice husk mulch; 6 and 12 centimeters thick eucalyptus wood chip mulch; and plastic cover mulch of 250 microns thick. During spring and summer, the volumetric moisture of the soil increased between 16 and 96% with the use of the mulches (approximately 10 centimeters), with the largest increases observed in soil with eucalyptus wood chip mulches. The organic mulches decreased soil temperature up to a depth of 15 centimeters, achieving the lowest surface temperatures (0-5 centimeters), whereas the plastic cover mulch had temperatures values in between those of the conventional chemical management and the organic mulches. In periods of water deficit, the stem water potential was higher for the eucalyptus wood chip mulches and the rice husk mulch of 12 centimeters thick. The eucalyptus wood chip mulches and the plastic cover showed the best weed control. Additionally, the evaluated mulches increased the growth of stem and treetop diameters by 29 and 47% respectively.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Mulch; Soil moisture; Soil temperature; Water potential; Citrus; Wild vegetation; Humedad edáfica; Temperatura edáfica; Potencial hídrico; Vegetación espontánea

Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No requiere 2015 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto
No requiere 2015 INTA Digital (SNRD) acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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