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Desarrollo de un modelo de organización para la gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos en la cuenca del río Tapenagá, de la provincia del Chaco

Elvio Omar Cano Mario Isaac Schreider Ofelia Tujchneider Jorge Pilar Oscar Duarte Alejandro Ricardo Ruberto


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
A producers commission called COMAS, operated from 1982 to 1986 at the Tapenaga River Basin, for the management of soil and water resources, which finally dissolved due to conflicts between its members because the discrepancies that had to do with the work and actions that were executed, besides many administrative/countable drawbacks, and with no financing administration. Since then to nowdays there were many attempts in order to try to bring it up with no succeeded at all. At this time the provincial government built a large drainage net at the basin and at the same time, an important drought took place, which caused serious community controversies towards the conception and the existence of such net. Besides, different production sectors that want to support its development, claim for a water management that take into account the needs and interests of all actors. This thesis propose an actors organization model, from the COMAS, introducing the necessary modifications in order to incorporate such actors in the frame of a management integrated process of hydric resources. COMAS also brings forward to gather them in subcommittees in correspondence to the hydrologic sub basins, and that they at the time establish the Hydric Basin Committee, in a integrated and held "down-up" process. Possible and accurate financial resources are proposed, and a diverse practical measurements policies for its deployment.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

IWRM; Actors identification; WSMC; Tapenagá River Hydric Basin Committee; GIRH; Identificación de actores; COMAS; Comité de Cuenca Hídrica del Río Tapenagá

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No requiere 2014 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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