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Desarrollo de un esquema de gestión integrada para los colectores de drenaje de la ciudad de Cipolletti (Río Negro, Argentina)

Cristóbal Vicente Lozeco Mario Isaac Schreider Oscar Carlos Duarte Roberto Paulo Marano José Antonio Morábito Daniel Alberto Petri


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
The Cipolletti city is located in the High Valley of Río Negro, at the confluence of the Neuquén and Limay rivers. That confluence forms the Negro River. The valley’s irrigation system irrigates approximately 50,000ha. The main products of the irrigated valley are fruits. The drainage collectors from the irrigation system were built in order to capture exceeding irrigation, control the depth of water table and salinization risks and collect the urban runoff, however they also act as receptors of industrial and treated urban discharge, untreated effluents from clandestine effluents as well as a large amount of urban solid waste, produced by settlements located in the vicinity of these collectors. This thesis deals with the complexity of the problems noted above and the different aspects related to the development of an efficient and sustainable management scheme for operating drainage collectors in urban and nearby rural areas of Cipolletti, following the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management. The identification and assessment of key actors and the analysis of their social relevance provided essential guidelines to design an organizational structure that meets the designated guiding principles. Based on these principles, the creation of the “Cipolletti Drainage Collectors Council” is proposed. This council will be responsible for, among other duties, the definition of a Plan of Action that articulates the structural actions and non structural measures in order to sustainable manage the drainages collectors system.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Integrated water resources management; Drainage collectors; Pollution; Key actors; Gestión integrada de recursos hídricos; Colectores drenaje; Contaminación; Actores clave; Estructura organizacional; Obras y medidas no estructurales

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No requiere 2014 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

País de edición


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